Donate to the ISAAC Emergency Immigration Fund
The NoCo Emergency Immigration Fund disperses funds on three primary areas: 1) legal funds for vulnerable/urgent cases; 2) funds to sustain during family crises, and 3) funds related to individual and family separation/detention/deportation. This fund was established to provide financial assistance to local individuals and families facing a crisis or immigration hardship, such as prolonged detention or recent deportation of a head of household. The fund also assists youth and young adults such as Dreamers with or without DACA status, including funds for application for Federal DACA status. Other assistance is provided for particularly vulnerable cases including custody of minors, emergency motions in court, disabled applicants and other similar emergency situations such as mental health and medical forensic evaluations required for emergency actions in courts.
The fund’s charter is designed to respond to a variety life circumstances that steal human dignity and stand as barriers to living with basic necessities of housing, medical care, education, food security, and freedom.
Online Donations: Online donations via credit card can be made at the links on this page.
For donations greater than $1000 your donation will go farther if you mail your donation or contact us directly to minimize credit card costs incurred (information below).
If you are having difficulty with online donating or have a large donation, you may donate by mail or contact us at the email or phone number below.
Large Donations and Mail Donations
You may mail your donation and check payable to:
ISAAC of Northern Colorado
P.O. Box 94
Ft Collins, CO 80522-0094
(970) 541-1251