Deepening Accompaniment: Equipping Ourselves for Responsible Accompaniment of Underserved Community Members.
About this class:
Over the last five years, ISAAC, its member faith communities and community partners have been on a beautiful journey to embrace and practice the work of immigration justice in Northern Colorado. In this series, ISAAC will partner with two experienced facilitators to offer an interactive education experience for those wishing to learn best practices in this accompaniment work, and those ready to be more reflexive about the work of solidarity and harm reduction. Through this seven-class series, facilitators will work with a cohort of up to 35 ISAAC participants to increase our accompaniment skills and ensure accountability to others (including those most directly impacted). Our hope is that this initial cohort of Deepening Accompaniment graduates will feel equipped to be leaders in the work taking place in our own circles, faith communities and local projects and organizations.