Make a Difference Today!

ISAAC of Northern Colorado relies on donations from people like YOU to sustain our programs. With your donation, you are helping to create a community of conscience working in solidarity for human dignity and immigration justice while co-creating communities of welcome, recognition, empowerment and accompaniment. ISAAC of Northern Colorado is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.

Love in Action: Accompaniment Fund Campaign

It’s that time of year again! Our LOVE in ACTION fundraiser is underway. During this time of year, we designate a particular project to focus our fundraising efforts. The Accompaniment Fund assists community members in a number of important ways that are critically important RIGHT NOW:

  • Our family crisis fund is for immigrant, refugee and underserved community members who are experiencing a crisis but struggling to access assistance from other sources due complex barriers. That crisis might be the death of a loved one, a significant accident, a cancer diagnosis, or the detention or deportation of a key breadwinner in the family.

  • Our immigration legal fund connects applicants to a network of excellent attorneys and provides scholarships on their cases as needed. We focus, in particular, on asylum cases that involve children, unaccompanied migrant youth (SIJS), victims of crimes or trafficking, elderly and disabled clients, and DACA and work authorization renewals.

  • Our accompaniment fund also provides assistance to youth and adults in our leadership, training and professional development programs, such as Cultivamos Larimer County and Adelante, recognizing that low-income community members struggle to participate in time consuming, skill-building programs without household financial assistance.

For our faith communities wishing to covenant with us, give what you can. The first sixty dollars of your membership goes to support ISAAC staff and operating expenses. Anything more than that goes to the Accompaniment Fund or wherever the need is greatest. Read more about membership here.

Large Donations & Donations by Check

For donations greater than $1000 it is an advantage for ISAAC if you mail your donation or contact us directly to minimize credit card costs.

You may make your donation out to ISAAC of Northern Colorado and mail to the address below.

If you’d like to route your donation to a specific initiative, please indicate that by writing one of the following in the memo:

  • Accompaniment Fund

  • Adelante Youth Programs

  • Membership (for all membership contributions)

  • ISAAC general support (support for community events, education programming, staffing and more)

Mailing address and make checks payable to:

ISAAC of Northern Colorado
P.O. Box 94
Ft Collins, CO 80522-0094
Email with questions!
(970) 541-1251

Donate your car. A non-profit,, will collect your car, sell it at auction, provide ISAAC the proceeds, and give you a tax receipt.

All you have to do is provide the title and the keys!

PLEASE NOTE: ISAACNoCo uses up to 6% of all donations for educational programs and operating expenses, including paying credit card fees. We are committed being excellent stewards of your donation, compassionately and generously serving our communities in Larimer County.