ISAAC of Northern Colorado is a joyful coalition of people, partners and faith groups committed to equity and empowerment.
ISAAC formed in the winter of 2016 - 2017 with the commitment to work in solidarity for human dignity, working towards a community of welcome, belonging, accompaniment and empowerment for all community members, no matter language, religion or immigration background. ISAAC was initially birthed in our faith communities but quickly grew into a thriving coalition of dozens of community partners, individuals, community leaders and fifteen member faith institutions.
We envision a community in which all people can have access to unlock their talents, thrive and to contribute at their maximum capacity; a community in which we create relationships that foster mutual understanding and belonging; a community in which all types of wisdom are honored, and leadership opportunities are not “gate-kept” by people in positions of power, but rather placed in the hands of people whose lived experience brings them the wisdom to create effective solutions and programs in partnership with established institutions.
We believe alone we know a little, but together we know a lot. Collaboration that honors all wisdoms and mobilizes diverse material and intellectual resources, including lived experience, is critical for transformational solidarity and the building of a vibrant community of wellbeing and belonging — in lieu of a replication of the inequities that currently exist.
ISAAC is committed to working for community transformation and empowerment through four key mechanisms: direct services to fill key gaps, training and education, leadership development and connection-building, and community-led advocacy. We hold a broad range of programming that you can learn more about by clicking the “what we do” and “projects” tabs above.
ISAAC also provides education, support and equipping to organizations, agencies, funders and individual faith communities wishing to better understand the barriers that immigrants and refugees encounter in our community. We pledge to support you in taking action within your own organization or congregation in a way that fits your community’s particular gifts, commitments and resources. For some faith groups, for example, this may mean offering free space to smaller organizations and initiatives or partnering with an immigrant-majority church or project. To others it may be sponsoring a refugee, providing care to immigrants in detention or organizing book studies and immersive learning experiences to further your learning journey. Yet other communities may feel called to raise money for local, impacted communities, to serve as a fiscal agent, to incubate a new and innovative community-led project, or to advocate for a key legislative initiative at the local or federal level.
Whoever you are and wherever you are on your journey to understand and embrace this work and, whether you are personally affected or feel called to involvement, there is a place for you in our ISAAC community. Visit our PROJECTS and events pages to learn more about what we do and to cultivate your fire for involvement in our powerful collective! Download our 2023 impact brochure here.