Make a Difference - Various ways to Support ISAAC’s work

  • DONATE HERE: The Emergency Immigration Fund is designed to respond to a variety of life circumstances that steal human dignity and stand as barriers to living with basic necessities. In particular, we seek to fill a gap in funding for individuals with lower access to financial support and traditional credit due to legal barriers. During the past five years, the fund has dispersed over $750,000 in small grants to individuals and families throughout Larimer County impacted by COVID19 or facing a crisis such as a natural disaster, accident, health condition, detention, deportation or death of a loved one.

  • DONATE HERE: Join our legal support drive NOW and help someone renew their DACA or work authorization, apply for protections as the victim of a crime, as an unaccompanied migrant youth experiencing abuse or neglect, or as a family seeking refuge with young children! As we work towards immigration reform, it is more urgent than ever that not one person eligible for relief be left behind. In 2022 alone, ISAAC has supported 65 individuals with a scholarship towards their immigration case, including 21 unaccompanied youth. Join us today and make a tangible difference in someone’s life!

  • For donations greater than $1000 it is an advantage for ISAAC if you mail your donation or contact us directly to minimize credit card costs.

    You may make your donation out to ISAAC and mail to the address below.

    If you’d like to route your donation to a specific initiative, please indicate that by writing one of the following in the memo:

    EIF (donations to the Emergency Fund)

    Membership (for all membership contributions)

    Immigration Legal Support

    ISAAC general support (support for community events, staffing and all education programming)

    Mailing address and make checks payable to:

    ISAAC of Northern Colorado

    P.O. Box 94

    Ft Collins, CO 80522-0094



    (970) 541-1251

  • DONATE HERE: Yeah - you can give more money.

  • This keeps ISAAC and its talks coming. DONATE HERE

  • DONATE HERE: There are donations that occur on a monthly basis from the account of your choice.

  • DONATE HERE: Donate your car. A non-profit,, will collect your car, sell it at auction, provide ISAAC the proceeds, and give you a tax receipt.

    All you have to do is provide the title and the keys!