ISAAC of Northern Colorado
Interfaith Solidarity & Accompaniment Coalition
We are dedicated to deliberately and joyfully co-creating a society in which all community members feel a sense of belonging, are empowered and connected, and can thrive to maximum potential.
All the work we do in ISAAC is carried out FOR the community, BY the community, with the LOVE that transforms community.
We Envision:
—> A Northern Colorado in which immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees and religious minorities, feel connected and supported, can thrive to maximum potential, and are recognized for the amazing contributions made to families, work places and the broader community.
—> A community in which people from diverse generations, cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds learn to build meaningful connections and a sense of belonging, share their respective wisdoms and resources, find joy and common purpose, and are personally and collectively transformed through this sense of solidarity, mutual respect and care.
Our Mission:
Together, as directly impacted community members and interfaith people of conscience, we draw on our embodied knowledge and wisdom traditions, to work in solidarity for human dignity, equity and immigration justice, co-creating transformative communities of welcome, connection, empowerment and belonging.
How We Work:
ISAAC is organized as an intentional and highly collaborative coalition of dozens of frontline community partners and local agencies, fifteen member faith communities, and hundreds of individuals. We believe that alone we know a little, but together we know a lot. Alone we can do a little, together we can do a lot.
Our work is centered in community empowerment using a multifaceted strategy of Education, Leadership Development, Direct Accompaniment and Community-Led Advocacy. Our community is full of talent; our goal is to dismantle barriers so that all residents can have equal opportunity to unlock, activate and put their talents to work for their families and their communities.
We dedicate a lot of care to education, accompanying faith communities and agencies, making visible hidden barriers, and working together for creative solutions. We believe the struggle for human dignity is sacred work, and that each person and institution has a unique gift they can contribute towards community transformation.
Since our formation, it has been important to us to center love in our organization, and ask ourselves how our programs, processes and work make people feel. In each situation, this allows us to ask the question as an organization, what would love look like in this situation? How are we being asked to show up? Do we need to have a hard conversation? Take a leap of faith, collaborate, get out of the way? To this day, this centering guides both the how and why of our work: we act out of deep love for our community and with the love that we know transforms community.