Make a difference with a car donation.

ISAAC of Northern Colorado can accept donations of your used car!

Donations are easy. All you do is register at the link below with CARS. Careasy (Charitable Adult Rides & Services (CARS)) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit social enterprise owned by a nonprofit supporting only nonprofits through vehicle donations. All you need to do is sign up, find your keys, and title and schedule a pick up time. CARS takes care of everything else and when the car is sold a few weeks later you will receive a receipt for your donation and ISAAC will receive a check for the proceeds.

With your donation, you are helping to create a community of conscience to work in solidarity for human dignity and immigration justice while co-creating communities of welcome, recognition, healing and accompaniment.

Click below and you will be directed to the CARS website (

Alternately you can go directly to the website and find contact information. When asked tell them you donation is for the Interfaith Solidarity And Accompaniment Coalition.